My Company
Informations sur le My Company instance d'Odoo, le ERP Open Source.
Applications installées
- Odoo SaaS Kit allows you to run your Odoo As A SaaS business. After installation and set uo you can sell Odoo As A Saas to your client via subscription based model, saaskit
- Odoo SaaS Custom Plans
- Odoo SaaS Custom Plans allows you to provide option to your clients to select custom Plans of their choice for Odoo Saas Kit
- Vente
- Des devis aux factures
- Facturation
- Factures & Paiements
- Site web
- Constructeur de sites web d'entreprise
- Achats
- Bons de commande, conventions et accords
- eCommerce
- Vendez vos produits en ligne
- Recyclage des données
- Retrouvez d'anciens enregistrements et archivez/supprimez-les
- Saas Kit Backup
- Module provide feature to saas clients to take backups of client instance's database and later download them.
- SaaS Kit Trial
- The module allows you to provides free trial of Odoo instance to a particular Client
- Odoo Database Backup
- Module provide feature to admin to take backups of his instance's database and later download them.
- Discussion
- Chat, passerelle de messagerie et canaux privés
Localisations / Plans comptables installés
- France - Export FEC
- Fichier des écritures comptables (FEC) pour la France